If you have got any questions, there’s a good chance you will find your answer here as these are the answers to all the frequently asked questions about our work and company.

Q: What are managed IT services?

Managed IT services is a solution that provides unlimited IT support for a fixed fee with the proactive monitoring of IT workstations and infrastructure. In simple terms, managed services puts the focus back on the IT firm.

Q: If I have my data stored on the cloud backup, when can I access it?

A: You can access your data and information stored on the cloud at any time! That’s the best part that your data and information is safe on the backup plus you can access it anytime from anywhere!

Q: Can I have all my IT problems managed with this company?

That’s what we do! We are here to manage your IT problems and work for you perfectly!

Q: I want to have my employees work remotely for me, what can you do about that?

Worry not, we have a VPN that lets your employees work remotely while you can keep a track of their work. Share all of the work from anywhere with ease.


Q: I need an IT project managed but can’t do it myself, can you do it?

Of course we can. This is exactly what we do with perfection.

Q: I travel outside of Australia a lot and I need some good management that lets me keep track of my employees, what can I do?

We provide VPNs too for problems like those. You can keep track of your business while being on international trips.

Q: Is my data safe on your backups?

It’s totally safe! Only you and you alone can access it or the people that you want to give access to your data.